Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hangout on Air- Checklist

Two or Three Posts back , you must have read about Hangout on Air- Google+.Lets take a look at the checklist for the Hangout actually that need to be ponder upon:

Things to be carried out before you actually start a Hangout out their on Google+

1) Create an Event- A SEO Friendly one( Take care of Meta Tags here)
2) Graphics:
      * Custom Header
      * Pin- able image
3) Share the Event to your all Social Media Contacts- Linkedin, Twitter,Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo Pinterest, Blog and others which you are on. Number should be huge in this case.
4) Circle the invitee list to 1000+  your influencers on Google+  or Other Networks
5) Email invitation to your lists
6) Call of action on your Brand page of the event
7)Pin invitation on Top of the Communities for Hangout
8)Wait for Response

As Hangout is on AIR

1) Provide introduction of the Sponsor Ad opening the show
2) Call to Action for the Brand
3) Provide Outer of the Sponsor Ad Closing the Show

Post Hangout Affair

1) Share the Hangout to your all Social Media Contacts- Linkedin, Twitter,Facebook, Instagram, Vimeo Pinterest, Blog and others which you are on. Number should be huge in this case.
2) Send it to the Circle of the invitee list to 1000+  your influencers on Google+  or Other Networks
3)Email the Hangout to your list as weekly subscription
4) Blog the post with link to Sponsor Ad and Call to Action
5) Let the report reach every one who attended the hangout

Friday, June 27, 2014

how does star ratings appear on FB page?

To Add Facebook Star Ratings to your Facebook Page - you will need to have your Business Location activated.  This means, in the address section of the set-up of your page, your address must be selected and the "Enable Check-in's" box must be ticked.  You can access this by going to Edit Page, Page Info, Address.

Star Ratings are supposed to be decided by an average by the reviews left on the Facebook Page.

If you choose not to provide details of a physical address and do not tick the box to show the map, you won’t.  (You can check your settings by clicking on the Edit Page button at the top of your page’s admin panel and then selecting Edit Page Info.  Scroll down to the address field to see what you have specified.)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Google+ and SEO- Google+, Google Ranking & SEO


1. People who follow you on Google+ are more likely to see it.
2. People who follow anyone who +1's the content are more likely to see it.
If you can build a strong audience of your own, or if major influencers in your market space +1 or share the content, this can get you a lot of exposure to your target market.
Non-Personalization: Links passes as such in posts do affect the PR of the website.
Page Authority:

raise your visibility by getting more people to engage with you, share your posts, or link directly to your profile, the more valuable your profile links become.
Use Google Authorship
·         Each post has its own URL.
·         The first 45-50 characters of the post appear in the title tag.
·         Just like a blog post, entries can be long and complex in order to explore a subject deeply. Various correlation studies have show a strong relationship between longer pages and higher rankings.

·         If a post is reshared, it can accumulate internal links from the Google+ platform, all with relevant anchor text.

Note: Google might revoke author images from search soon

Hangout on Air

Step 1: Use Business Page for Hangout
Step 2: Create a new Circle specific to the people you want to engage with on your Hangout and then start searching for these people. Search for communities.
Step 3: Create an event on Google plus Event Page,Event Title, catchy banner

Now you want to invite the Circle you’ve spent all that time building out. This invite will be sent to all those in the Circle, so again the more time you can spend building out the Circle, the larger the potential audience for your Hangout.

By inviting people in this way, those that accept the invite will be sent an email reminder shortly before the Hangout is due to air with a link taking them to your YouTube channel where the Hangout will be streaming live.

Finally, under event options, you need to make sure that you’re marking the event as ‘on air’ – this is found under ‘advanced’.

You can also select ‘show more options’, which allows you to add your own website URL (this will become important and apparent later).

Make Sure you enter the Hangout at least 15 to 30 minutes before it’s due to start.

Find ‘Hangouts’ under the ‘Home’ drop down box on the left hand side, from here click ‘Start a Hangout on Air’.
Give your Hangout the same name as you did the Event to ensure continuity and avoid confusion.

As a general rule of thumb, I’ll open up the Hangout 30 minutes prior to the event actually starting. This gives me time to complete the following steps:
1. Grab your Video URL to embed on your Website/Blog

First things first, make sure you grab the YouTube URL of your Hangout so you can embed this within the dedicated page of your blog/website or wherever you are driving your viewers to watch the Hangout. The URL can be found at the bottom of your Hangout screen.

2. Ensure your camera, sound and lighting are all working correctly.

You can check all of this at your end, but it doesn’t hurt to invite a colleague or friend onto the Hangout at this point to do some last minute video/sound quality checks for the people on the other side of the Hangout.

Use headphones and encourage all your guests to do this same. This will improve the sound quality massively for those watching the broadcast.

Shut down all other applications that may interference and call degradation (Skype, Spotify, etc.).

3. Ensure that the apps you want to use on the Hangout are active.

There’s a whole host of apps that you can use to enhance your Google Hangout on Air experience, too many to discuss in this blog, however the two that I feel are essential requirements for your Hangout are the Hangout toolbox and the Q&A app.

The Hangout Toolbox allows you to use the lower third of the screen to promote your business and the hangout topic, in much the same way you’d see on a news channel. This is a great feature and adds professionalism to your Hangout. You can create your own custom overlay, this needs to be a 640×360 transparent .png file which can uploaded via the hangout toolbox.

The Q&A app allows those people watching from your Google+ home page or YouTube channel to type a question to you and your guests. This is a great way to interact with your viewers, people like nothing more than a ‘shout out’ during a live broadcast and this helps to encourage engagement.

Ensure you play around with these apps on your test Hangouts to get a good understanding of how they work and function.