Thursday, June 26, 2014

Google+ and SEO- Google+, Google Ranking & SEO


1. People who follow you on Google+ are more likely to see it.
2. People who follow anyone who +1's the content are more likely to see it.
If you can build a strong audience of your own, or if major influencers in your market space +1 or share the content, this can get you a lot of exposure to your target market.
Non-Personalization: Links passes as such in posts do affect the PR of the website.
Page Authority:

raise your visibility by getting more people to engage with you, share your posts, or link directly to your profile, the more valuable your profile links become.
Use Google Authorship
·         Each post has its own URL.
·         The first 45-50 characters of the post appear in the title tag.
·         Just like a blog post, entries can be long and complex in order to explore a subject deeply. Various correlation studies have show a strong relationship between longer pages and higher rankings.

·         If a post is reshared, it can accumulate internal links from the Google+ platform, all with relevant anchor text.

Note: Google might revoke author images from search soon

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