Monday, December 27, 2010

HOW TO: Create An Affiliate Program For Your Event

Earlier we discussed about creating events on Twitter, and about the fact that online events are getting more popular than offline. Anyone can create and publish an Event successfully, but he/she might not be able to promote it successfully.

Why You Need Affiliate Program For Your Event Basically?

Simple. You need one to easily promote your event across the oceans, well at least across your network. :| So keeping an Affiliate program for your paid events will be damn useful here.

Now, I’m going to use Eventbrite to demonstrate how to create an Affiliate Program.

Eventbrite is an online event registration service that allows you to create, publish and promote your event for free (if the tickets are free). Earlier we discussed about similar sites like DoAttend, Eventzilla and some others.

Creating Affiliate Program – Eventbrite

#1 – Sign up if you don’t have an account. Now create & publish an event. Basic step is over.

#2 – After publishing your event, go to ‘My Events’ tab > Manage.

Now on your left side, go to ‘Create Affiliate Program’ under ‘Sell’ section.

Sell - Affiliate

#3 – Now here is the big part, where you will decide how much commission Affiliates should get. :P

Here enter the name of your affiliate program, the amount you would like to offer to affiliates for referring attendees to your event, and any additional notes you would like to include in the program details.

Event Affiliate

And make sure the ‘Make Public’ box is checked if you want your program to be open to the public.

Useful Tip : If you are creating multiple affiliate programs for your event, then you can make use of the ‘Quick Actions’ menu located next to each affiliate program.

Using this you can track the affiliates who are promoting your event, invite affiliates to your program, and manage payments made to affiliates.

#4 – In this step, we are going to promote your event (along with affiliate program).

Just select ‘Invite Affiliates’ from the Quick Actions menu. You’ll then be able to customize an email invite which will send the link to potential affiliates to sign up for your program.

Note: Affiliate program owners (you!) are responsible for making payments to your affiliates, unless otherwise indicated in the affiliate program invitation. They will leave the management of your program up to you.


Monday, November 22, 2010

Stay tuned for technology of the future

A few years ago, people who felt betrayed by the future suddenly gained a new rallying cry. After a lifetime of promises about robots and flying cars, we started to wonder: "Where's my jetpack?" Since then, the jokey slogan has found itself appearing everywhere from T-shirts to songs.

It's a jab in the eye of every futurist who made firm predictions about what we'll see in generations to come, and it's easy to laugh at the fools who dreamed of such frivolities. After all, merely guessing at the future is a fundamentally foolish business. That doesn't mean that we can't understand what is coming tomorrow, however, and prepare for the most likely futures by understanding how things happened in the past.

That is where the rich history of the Guardian's technology pages becomes more than just an archive of old newspapers. Over nearly 30 years, there have been titanic changes in the way we view and use technologies. We've seen computers move toward the centre of our lives, much of our food is engineered, families can be created in a lab and keeping in touch is cheaper and easier – regardless of whether we do it physically or virtually. So what should we expect from the next decade?

Of all the trends that will dominate our lives in the coming years, computing is the one that has set the standard – and followed distinct rules along the way.

The unending influence of Moore's law (a formulation that is both so beautiful and so ubiquitous that it has taken on an almost Shakespearean quality) dictates that our computers will become more powerful and less expensive as time goes on.

This will mean, for starters, machines capable of ever-increasing feats of power: lifelike graphics, smarter understanding, greater intelligence. "Singularity" advocates such as Ray Kurzweil believe this will end in sentient computers – and while that is almost certainly excessive, we are already seeing extraordinary leaps in what machines can do. Academics are now crunching everything from terabytes of data pouring out of the Large Hadron Collider to data pushed to PlayStations to scour the universe for alien life.

With ever-increasing amounts of computing power to throw at complex problems, the ideas that have baffled scientists and engineers for decades may finally start to emerge from the darkness. That opens up the chance of high-quality visual recognition systems and accurate translations that work so fast they resemble acts of magic.

The trends set by Moore's law also mean that even the smallest devices will pack an increasingly powerful punch. Today, an iPhone contains the same amount of computing power as a Mac from 10 years ago; soon enough our handsets will enjoy the same processing power and capabilities as the high-end desktop computers we use now.

Look to the clouds

There is also an argument, however, that gadgets will become less powerful rather than more. Why? Because the immense computational power at our fingertips will also be available on demand thanks to cloud computing. With storage, memory and connectivity also advancing at a rapid clip, the built-in capabilities of your gadgets become less important than their ability to connect to a more powerful machine elsewhere.

And if the real brain of your phone or TV or games console can be squirrelled away somewhere else, many consumer electronics might simply become screens that plug into the network and present you with the appropriate information. These developments could easily ramp up as those screens continue to evolve to become cheaper, lighter, thinner, more flexible and more robust.

In addition to the gadgets we carry or use in the home, the plummeting cost of computers means it is almost certain that more of our world -– the things we touch, we build, we grow – will be able to incorporate these ideas. It's happening at various levels already: anyone carrying an Oyster card around on the Tube today, for example, has the same amount of memory in their pocket as one of Clive Sinclair's ZX81 computers from 1981.

This sort of ubiquitous computing (even at the lowest end) offers the possibility that we can build networks of things that talk to each other constantly. This subtle layer of activity will take place outside of our perception, but will have profound implications for our everyday lives – with objects able to assess and regulate themselves and report back on what is happening to them.

So, the idea of an internet fridge in every home may still be an amusing fiction in 2020, but for western city dwellers there is a high likelihood that miniature computers will be baked into every brick, every piece of clothing or item of food.

Those objects could well include people, too. Biotechnology is another area of speedy development, and one that is just beginning to undergo the same revolution as the IT industry did in the 1970s. Understanding the processes of life, and treating organisms like we treat machines, suddenly opens new horizons all around us.

Now the human genome is mapped, for example, we are understanding more and more about it every day. Personal genomic companies are springing up and medicine is on the verge of ambitious advances in both treatment and cure. Certain diseases and syndromes could become a thing of the past in the next decade, while others – if not eradicated – will certainly be more properly understood.

Other areas, such as human enhancement and the production of artificial organs, are moving forward. Engineers are already able to "print" custom bones to order, though sometimes the change is much too fast for our ethical understanding to keep up. That is where the structures of the old world could step in order to slow progress down, as development becomes a game of politics not possibilities.

Politics is also likely to hurt the area where development is, perhaps, most necessary of all: energy. Our oil-based economies are ripe for technological revolution, but the answers today seem only half-baked – and could quite easily stay that way.

While there is a groundswell of entrepreneurs and academics working tirelessly to come up with new answers, it is hard to tell whether the energy landscape will look very different in a decade. The Copenhagen summit is just one example that shows how difficult consensus can be.

Pull up to the bumper

In fact, as we engage in everyday behaviour – watching 3D films with distant friends over our tiny disposable flexi-screens, or getting advance traffic reports streaming in from tiny transmitters hidden in cars and by the roadside – the important theme could be how to use that technology to solve the problems presented by our dwindling natural resources.

Despite the continually falling prices, as physical goods get ever cheaper thanks to the efficiencies afforded by technology, we may find ourselves struggling to hold back. So often we hear about "doing more with less" – soon that may be a battle cry, not a bumper sticker.

Whatever happens, the one thing the world still has in abundance is ingenuity, and while we're unlikely to see those jetpacks any time soon, there's still plenty to look forward to.

Note: The article might be an year old, but hold till now

Author:- Bobbie Johnson


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Twitter World- Part 2

Twitter is a communication tool to network in the “Real World”.It is a small talk to introduce yourself, attract other people, and get the connections ball rolling!A networking event is taking place,right on your computer, 24 hours a day/7 days a week, and with real people!Who all are making the best noises at Twitter.

 USA 62.14%
 United Kingdom 7.87%
 Canada 5.68%
 Australia 2.80%
 Brazil 2.00%
 Chine 49%

Female Users 54%
Male users 46%

It is the fastest growing age demographic on the platform.It is better to adopt third party strategy with twitter.

 First Third is going to be about you
 Second third is going to be creating value for them
 Last third is your “Pleasantly Persistent” self-promotion.

People prefer to do business with folks they like, know,and trust. In business, and life, your goal should be to build a strong relationship with as many people as you can. As this starts to happen, the quality of your life improves, and the impact on your business is incredible.

Twitter is Blank Canvas, paint it beautifully. Create values for yourself and your business with
 Breaking News.
 Valuable links to informative websites.
 Re-Tweetng what we see valuable from others.
 Motivational quotes.

Information influenced by Tweeting Third Power by Harrison Painter

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The coming age of nanotechnology and why we may not survive it

The Nanotechnology Age is an absolutely fascinating read. As someone who believes that technology is only a natural and even inevitable outcome of simply being human I welcome it with open arms. You cannot deny a human his technology no more than you can deny a flower its bloom.

But the human evolution is a multi-faceted process. Not everything about us evolves at equal pace and not everything about us is as advanced as our technology. Nature or evolution as such doesn't care for this imbalance. There is no such thing as right and wrong as far as nature and the universe as a whole, excepting self aware and volitional beings like us, are "concerned" because it cannot be concerned for anything. Earth wouldn't care one bit if an entire human race committed simultaneous suicide tomorrow.

Only those capable of having concern can be concerned. Only those capable of valuing things can discern between better or worse. Only those fully aware of their existence as living volitional beings who desire more than anything to live on and prosper can proclaim threats to this existence as "wrong". Only volitional beings can deliberately choose to initiate a conflict with their own selves in the name of an overriding value. And this is precisely what so many of us are doing.

We are complex beings and this complexity makes us unstable. We are still in the process of shaping up. Either we succeed or perish. Nothing in nature denies its existence as itself, except humans. Nothing in nature deliberately caps its own potential, except humans. Nothing in nature feels guilty for striving to flourish without inhibitions, except humans.

We humans blame humans for nearly everything that we perceive as "wrong" with our planet. We humans call upon other humans to restrict us from doing whatever we desire so long as it doesn't harm others. We regulate each other to death, sometimes literally. We induce guilt in each other for "being selfish" and "worrying only about yourself" as if taking responsibility only for yourself while allowing the same to another is a vice. We have developed a suicidal society and a suicidal culture, a society in which violence against other humans is acceptable so long as it is done by a designated group, a society in which murderers are called soldiers and given medals and a society in which those striving to eliminate this violence are branded as terrorists.

Yes.. we tremble in terror in the face of those telling us the truth. The truth that we are slaves to each other and calling this slavery "freedom". The truth that we are at war with each other and calling this warfare "peace". The truth that we are fooling ourselves into believing that being a "good citizen" requires unconditional obedience to each other and calling this ignorance a "strength".

And now we marvel at the acceleration of technological achievements set in motion by what little freedom we allowed ourselves to have while still living in violent conflict with each other and ourselves, foolishly expecting that when such power as that provided by nanotechnology wont be used to continue this suicidal conflict on a whole new level, probably a final level.

The mentioned article calls for strict regulation by "governmental and private powers". What a backwards thing to say in such a forward looking article. It only too well illustrates the imbalance being described here between our technology and our own mentality and culture.

We still believe that giving groups of relative few, relatively dumber and relatively more psychologically problematic people we usually call politicians who have typically been the first to start large scale wars, initiated mass murder and command domestic violence through so called "law enforcement" on a regular basis to decide how the rest of us should use nanotechnology is a smart thing to do? You, other humans, have got to be kidding me! But I'm not laughing, because you apparently don't even begin to grasp the seriousness of what you're doing.

Government is, as many of its members have many times themselves said, a "monopoly on violence". In other words it is the only group in the market which is seen as allowed to use violence in its dealings. This is seen as a way to keep violence under control. If only one group of people can do it then they can keep others in check with it therefore minimizing the overall amount of violence that there is.

But who watches the watchers? Supposedly that would have to be the job of those who don't have the right to use violence: "The People", contrasted to government in such a way that it almost implies that the government doesn't include "the people" too. But how do we who cannot legitimately use violence keep those who can in check? How is this even possible? Threatening to vote the members of government out of their positions? Excuse me while I burst into maniacal laughter...

Anyone who has still preserved some sense of human dignity knows what a lie this is, even if you try to deny it to yourself due to social pressures and your natural urge to fit in. The truth is, we have established territorial monopolies on violence who can immediately or eventually override all of our "rights" because we believe there is a problem of violence to solve. In other words we are using violence to solve the problem of violence.

That in fact, however, starts a whole streak, an entire series of problems "being solved" by violence. Once we "solved" the problem of violence through violence we are also solving the problem of drug abuse with violence. We are solving the problem of prostitution with violence. We are solving the problem of child pornography with violence. We are solving the problem of poverty with violence. We are solving the problem of a changing climate with violence. We are solving a problem X with violence.

We don't seem to know of any other way to solve social and economic problems without the use of violence through that monopoly of violence we call the government. And now we want to solve the problem of nanotechnology abuse with violence.

What's wrong with this picture? Shouldn't it be obvious? How do you solve a problem of violence with violence to begin with and how have you exactly solved a problem of violence if after "solving it" you're still using it to "solve" all other problems anyone can come up with as such? Didn't you just create a convenient way to legitimize violence instead of solving it so you can outsource the use of violence (the dirty work) you would otherwise have to do yourself, to a group specialized for it. Every time you see an opportunity to change a law so it fits your own personal, indeed "selfish", interest you proclaim it into a cause and proceed to beg the government (a monopoly on violence) to force everyone to behave in accordance to this personal interest of yours.

And is it then surprising that even after supposedly "solving it" or being in this perpetual process of "solving" it we still have as much violence as ever coupled with declining freedoms and ever greater centralization of this violent power? How couldn't you have it. You cannot eliminate violence by legitimizing it. This only makes everyone into believers in violence rather than opposite. It only underscores the underlying mental problem with violence instead of eliminating it.

Violence starts in the mind. It starts in the family. This is where you have to tackle it and its causes head on. It is something to defend from personally and work against it within yourself personally by first choosing not to legitimize any violence ever again, including that perpetrated by this "monopoly of violence". There is simply no other way. The meme of violence must die or it will keep turning us against ourselves and each other except technology will provide us with ever better and ever more destructive weapons, therefore increasing the risk of the ultimate destruction happening - the self-extinction of the human race.

Humanity at this point is like an incredibly brilliant, but also incredibly emotional child who hasn't yet learned how to deal with the two in a way that wont lead it to a conflict with itself. It values life, freedom, peace and prosperity, but sees the elements of their opposites. It still hasn't learned how to attack those opposites without attacking itself. Yet it has dabbled with it from the beginning of its life with mixed success.

From what little freedom and peace it managed to achieve it built incredible tools and incredible prosperity, but still failing to find the final balance, still being in this ongoing self-conflict yet already being on the verge of godlike power each next move becomes more and more powerful and more and more disrupting. If it doesn't achieve the balance soon every next move could be the last one.

Some parts of itself grasp the idea, but it's hard to keep in mind for long. The voices of those who say "don't fight, don't fight, the solution is to stop trying so hard and instead live in congruence with yourself, rejecting all violence, all of this fight" are still dim.

But I am one of them and I hope that we can nail this one before nanotech revolution and its inevitable abuses by those who still believe in violence as a way of solving problems makes it too late.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Twitter World- Part1

I am talking about none other than Twitter.It is one of the most amazing communication tool that has changed lives and businesses.It has already been said that internet has made world a small village.But with twitter, its size has decreased further more and declination is increasing day-by-day.

140 characters :-)

My First Day With Twitter

Typed in the address bar and i am redirected to the website. Saw the Sign up button. Clicked and became of its another TWeeple(People who tweet are known as TWeeple). I had no idea how to use it. Just logged on into it.It seems is everywhere. It is on the news, talk shows, commercials, and even your cell phone. Filled my profile, decorated the background and started to look at it.When i started tweeting 140 characters, i did not find it good enough to be part of it. What JLO did last night, who is taking shower or who is going out for a movie or what a particular event is occurring in which i have no interest.

Thought of digging it bit more.Once i find people that are giving useful information i started to follow them. The more tweets you make the more followers you will attract and soon you have
more than a few. Now this is getting exciting!!!

Now i am following

@bestfloridaseo- Florida Seo, Internet Marketer
@seoproweb- SEO web pro, wales
@ppc_management- SEO and PPC Tools –The Best Of The Bunch

You will notice that three of them are people that inspired me, three were seo sources, and one was a personal contact.

As you keep exploring this new twitter world you will be surprised at the amount
of people involved, the amount of information, the amount of business contacts,
and yes the amount of noise that exists in this tiny tool.

Monday, October 18, 2010

HTML5 and Google BOT

HTML5 is a form of HTML that all the modern browsers tend to support.Their support is rendering HTML5 with no problems.HTML5 is gathering more and more momentum, and is looking very likely to be, in the near future, the language of choice for developers, replacing Flash.But what about google crawler- Google Bot?

Google does not crawl flash?HTML5 is very good for adding animations to our web pages.Google has not come up with any announcements regarding this but to quote Googler, JohnMu

First he says, In general, our crawlers are used to not being able to parse all HTML markup - be it from broken HTML, embedded XML content or from the new HTML5 tags. Our general strategy is to wait to see how content is marked up on the web in practice and to adapt to that. If we find that more and more content uses HTML5 markup, that this markup can give us additional information, and that it doesn't cause problems if webmasters incorrectly use it (which is always a problem in the beginning), then over time we'll attempt to work that into our algorithms. With that in mind, I definitely wouldn't want to stand in the way of your implementing parts of your site with HTML5, but I also wouldn't expect to see special treatment of your content due to the HTML5 markup at the moment. HTML5 is still very much a work in progress, so it's great to see bleeding-edge sites making use of the new possibilities :)

Second he says, In general, we work hard to understand as much of the web as possible, but I have a feeling that HTML5 markup is not yet as widely in use (and in use correctly) that it would make sense for us to use it as a means of understanding content better. As HTML5 gains in popularity and as we recognize specific markup elements that provide value to our indexing system, this is likely to change, but at the moment I would not assume that you would have an advantage by using HTML5 instead of older variants.

Returning different content to search engine crawlers as you would to similar users would be considered cloaking and against our Webmaster Guidelines. I would not recommend treating search engine crawlers different than you would similar users.

Personally, I would recommend using HTML5 where you think that it already makes sense, perhaps reverting to HTML4 if you can determine that the browser won't support the elements of HTML5 that you use properly. While this will not result in an advantage for your content in our search results, it generally wouldn't be disadvantageous either.

But it remains the same-- If they recognise them it means better semantic value, if they don't it means all they see is a container element with little to no semantic real-estate value in context of the content, which is basically the same as a DIV element.Google is already making use of HTML5 in it's Wave product and in some test case versions of YouTube.

What you say?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Information Technology and Its Positive Effects On Bureaucracy

We live in a world where survival in today's extremely competitive environment is tough. An environment that boost of new and aggressive competitors where the demand is to meet the necessitates of organizations-- speed up decision-making and reduce costs. If you are slow in response to market needs and competitive pressures, your organization is at risk. The layers of bureaucracy are being eliminated by information Technology, making a positive impact in the growth of organization, streamlining the functionality and making it more efficient and flexible.

We are a part of technocratic society or follow technocracy. Our lives has been revolutionized by information technology and the effects are on government and business. This is effect is being termed as cyberocracy. It mean a bureaucracy changed by information technology. It forms into what is known as democratic, totalitarian, and hybrid governments or businesses.

Bringing the use of information technology in bureaucracy has redefined the relation between state and society, and between the public sector and the private sector. Whenever we look at the structure of any organization, what hold an organization is the span of control. With a lean organization control is less nimble and less efficient, with each additional organizational level slowing down decision-making and adding to the firm's costs. On the other hand, a flattened organization control span structure will speed up the decision-making process, shorten lines of communication and achieve savings. When it comes to the use of information technology, factors like job complexity, similarity,Amount of coordination required to complete task,Abilities of employees ,Degree of employee empowerment,Ability of management are utilized to widen the span of control of managers and thereby flatten the organizational structure, eliminating middle management.

Lets take an example an accounting firm which is able to reduced job complexity by allowing clients 24-hour access to current and past financial information through use of an Extranet. In this way, the number of clients expanded without having to increase the number of employees or supervisors. Another could be a DSS system where a low level employee can approve or deny mortgages, loans and credit lines. Even the most unusual and unique problems can be solved with IT.

Today organizations are restructuring or reengineering themselves into leaner, nimbler entities through the use of IT to improve communication, reduce costs and speed up decision-making. Information Technology is a catalyst that has changed the scenario of bureaucracy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why Your Green Business Needs a Green Business Blog

Gaining exposure is necessary when it come to successfully starting a green business and generating new clients is also important. Keeping customers informed and having accessibility to you and your company should be a top priority. A great way to do this is by creating a green business blog. With the increase in technology information and the outlets provided to you for free, beginning a green business blog for your green business is a great way to market and gain new customers. Let’s start with this…

Exactly What is a Blog?

A blog is basically an online journal where you can write, read, edit, publish and share personal or business information. Stemmed from the words “web log,” a blog is a website that incorporates regular entries written by an individual, including event updates, and other material that you want to share, i.e. pictures, videos, announcements, links, etc. Blogs can be easily maintained without prior knowledge of the technical aspects of web design. The many free blogging platforms make it possible for anyone to make one. Sometimes blogs can be made for personal use to write about your days, similar to a journal. Other people utilize blogs to write about certain themes or areas of interest. They also allow for users and viewers to comment on any updates you publish. If you’re running a business, utilizing these blogging tools and technology to promote your message of going green is an efficient and promising way.

I Already Have my Green Business Website, Why Do I Need a Green Blog too?

While having a website with your own personal URL for your green business is great to have, establishing a green business blog will help you succeed just as much, if not more.

Websites are great because they show an amount of stability and a concrete place for establishing your internet presence. Blogs, however, will generate traffic and can bring new customers into your website. Usually blogs are generated or hosted by a main website such as or Like Facebook or Twitter, there are already users plugged in and skimming other people to be “friends” or “follow.” Blogs are just a free way to give you more accessibility to your customers or new customers, and at the same time, they can have easy access to you. Spreading the green message about your business is already something that needs promotion in its own; the tools necessary to do this are out there and ready to be utilized. Having your green business blog will allow you to do the following:

  • Keep your customers updated and current with all the exciting news and things to look forward to from your business
  • A direct message feed on your green business blog will allow your customers to know your current special offers
  • Direct contact with customers and hear feedback concerning your business will be easily accessible
  • Allow communication of new ideas and create an outlet for sharing your experiences from having a green business
  • Generate traffic from your green business blog to your website

A Green Business Blog Can Benefit You in Many Ways

As stated before, blogs can be free and with a little extra time, you can have it up and running in a matter of minutes. Marketing strategies for businesses usually generate the same way. With any business, you can really utilize the internet to your advantage. Without having to print and throw away paper for flyers and other promo things, establishing a green blog is just another way to promote and market your business in a eco-friendly way. These are the key points in what a green blog can do for your business:

  • Creating your blog and keeping it current with new content will increase your SEO (search engine optimization) – that means, search engines will pick up your blog more and more with your updates.
  • When you write and publish your blogs with updates, you can fill it up with keywords like “going green,” “buy green,” “green furniture,” “green household items” – whatever your green business is about, you can utilize keywords into your updates which will increase traffic to your site
  • Creating a blog will also allow you to have more pages so you can interlink your blog posts and product pages, thus driving more traffic to your website
  • Also a cool thing, you can get more involved with your customers and be able to receive and share information about being green and possibly creating a green living blog

So if you haven’t started a blog, you should today. Whether you’re running a green business or not, it’s a free and easy way to promote and market your business. It’s easy, fun, and can make your business grow.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


They are with you always
Open your eyes, Close your eyes
In your pain and cries
And they smile.

Realize the iciness, the warmth,
The reassure-ness, the effortlessness,
The happiness, the calmness
They bestow.

They take you to the human race
That is you
They had the force to revolutionize your life
They are non-discriminatory,
They might incur an insult and unethical in you
They might show real you.